The Cost Of One To One Services

The Cost Of One To One Services

The Cost Of One To One Services


There’s no real way to work around this, and I want to be up front about this. One to one services are expensive. I do charge an appropriate amount for those services.


You probably have found this website through social media, and it’s you likely know I live with chronic health conditions. That means I can’t bill everyone $100 for a month of specialised advice and just “hustle” my way through. That would damage my health and be an unsustainable business model. And I plan to be here a long time!


I work asynchronously around my health. I can’t work unlimited hours. I work limited hours. Which means I need to earn enough for not just me, but my whole household in those limited hours.


I also don’t discount services because services don’t scale. I may discount things that scale such as courses and memberships, if I want to run sales. But services are all me. I don’t use ChatGPT to give you answers, I’ve spent years learning and studying and I create my own knowledge bases so that I can give you the best answer (not the fastest answer) that suits you.


Economic justice is important to me. Part of the reason I charge a lot is also to put myself in a financial position where I can contribute to society not only through taxes (unlike mega-corps), but through mutual aid. I’d like to work out how to run an ethical scholarship or pay it forward (or something, I don’t know what right now) scheme. I feel uncomfortable means testing people and don’t know the best way to go about doing this.


Why write about this? Online business land seems to go in circles of high price offers being “in”, to low price offers being “in”. I prefer sustainability over fads, and I refuse to devalue the energy it takes out of me to run a business as a chronically ill person. I also think that sharing our philosophies and thought processes helps people get to know me.


The Cost Of One To One Services

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